At a typical Swedish party there will be plenty of singing. Often in unison, but very often with some added harmonies if there are some qualified singers present. The most common type of song is going to be a schnapps song, but there are many other short humorous songs that people sing.
True to tradition though, if there is drinking going on, it can only happen after an appropriate song. There can be any number of songs dedicated to schnapps, but if they get as far as the third one, it is appropriate to sing the song “Tersen”, which means third.

The text is as follows. Translation in parethesis.
Ren helan slunkit ner (The first one already slipped down)
och halvan tagen är. (And the second has been taken)
Men magen vill ha mer, (But my tummy still wants more)
men magen vill ha mer, (My tummy still wants more)
ej släckt är dess begär. (It’s desire has not been satisfied)
Till tersen nu den trår, (It’s longing for the third)
till tersen nu den trår. (It’s longing for the third)
Så drickom, drickom, (So let’s drink, let’s drink)
skål, gutår. (Cheers, Drink up!)